Tell Us About….Something New!
I hope your 2025 is off to a good start. The creative bunch that is my blogger’s writing group thought it would be a good time to write about Something, ANYTHING, New! The New Year brings brings in for me the date I’ve looked forward to for so long – The Year I Retire! As in, retire from full-time work and being gone from home for 10 hours every weekday, 47 weeks each year (yes, I get very generous vacation by American standards, but I am quite “senior”) I’ve worked full-time for 42 years, with 6 months off during a temporary assignment to Italy (yes, it was bliss). And it…
My Favorite Things
Is the song from The Sound of Music running through your head at this title, like it is mine? This was the latest topic from my bloggers’ group, and I’m finding it a delicious subject to dwell on for a while – although I now wonder who’s polishing those bright copper kettles, and if I’m going to lose one of the warm woolen mittens trying to find my car keys or reply to a text…. I’m going to indulge in talking about some of my favorite things, in no particular order – starting with swimming in the ocean! I have loved this since I was child on rare beach vacations…
Tell Me About…..Blogging
Our bloggers’ group prompt for this month was, well, blogging! I’m probably the least experienced of the other women in the group. Although I started mine 5 years ago, I’ve let many things get in the way of regular posting. Still, it’s been enlightening to look back on the process… I’m not sure when I first started reading blogs – maybe 2017? I’d been feeling frumpy, dowdy, and like someone who’d thrown in the towel on her appearance. I’d begun reading about style and fashion, and began to seek out inspiration and advice online. I’m not sure which fashion/midlife/style blogs I stumbled upon, but one of the first was the…
Tell Us About….Friends & Friendship
As part of the Tell Me About series, MK dives into friendships old and new.
Tell Us About…The Road Not Taken
The Road Not Taken - which were the ones Mary Katherine didn't take, and how about yours/
Tell Us About… Celebration
MK joins her other blogger friends to Tell Me About: Celebration!
Germany on the Baltic, and the Agony of Da Feet
Visit 2 German cities on the Baltic with me on our summer cruise.
Tell Us About… Laughter!
See what makes MK and the rest of those blogger girls laugh!
Stockholm, travel fashion girls and Rick Steves
I hope you don’t mind a few more tales of our Scandi trip from this summer. I’d like to share the last bits with you before I head off to eastern Europe next month.. We spent a lovely day in Stockholm, buying a bus/tram pass for the first time on this trip. First stop was the Gamla Stan, or Old Town. Not many tourists around, mostly locals on their morning commutes. We had a wander to ourselves, then found ourselves by the residence of the royal family. We enjoyed an afternoon pizza snack, and explored an incredible food hall. The legendary “kanelbullar”, Swedish cinnamon buns, were every bit as good…
Tell Me About….My Hometown
Our bloggers group prompt this month is to write about our hometowns (or home towns, depending on where you live…) I’m delighted to write about my town, as I’m so proud of it! My hometown is Versailles, Kentucky. And no, not like the Palace of Versailles in France – we pronounce it VER-sales. Yup. Before you snicker, I ask you, do you call the French capital PAIR-iss, or pear-EE?!?!? Do you say “Vee-EH-nah”, or “VEEN” like the locals would? My point is – you don’t pronounce places like the people who live there do, either! The “dad joke” here is “Our town was founded in 1792, and the French have…
Bourbon, sunshine and rock n’ roll
The 3 Musketeers go to an outdoor music and bourbon festival
Tallinn, toiletries and duffel bags
A day spent in Tallinn, and packing talk
School Days
This month’s prompt from our bloggers’ group made me think about what was actually taught in school vs. what I learned that I used in later life… In the days before calculators, multiplication tables were really important. When pocket calculators became affordable, teachers told us we still had to learn them because “you won’t always have a calculator with you”. How wrong that proved to be! There are probably more effective ways than rote memorization, but that’s all we had at the time. I don’t know many people who can tell you off the top of their head what 7 x 8 is (the 7s and 8s were the hardest…
Tell Me About… Vacations, aka Holidays
This month’s bloggers’ group topic was picked by ME, as it’s the season for them, at least in the northern hemisphere (I’m now much more aware of the opposite rhythms of our friends Down Under). I do find the different schedules interesting, as American school holidays will come to an end in August, while many UK “hols” are just starting. A young friend visiting recently from France was amazed to discover not every country completely shuts down for the month of August like France does! The USA is the stingiest country in the world when it comes to paid time off for their workers. Two weeks is the standard for…
Tell Me About….Beauty
This month’s blogger’s prompt is from Marsha in the Middle, and it’s beauty, which stumped me at first (I could only think of photos of flowers), then I found it more intriguing the more I thought about it. Women are taught from a very young age that their most important asset is beauty. The first compliment little girls hear is that they’re pretty, their clothes are pretty, their hair, their dolls, etc. The older the adult doing the complimenting, the less likely they are to ask a girl what her favorite book is, her favorite subject in school or her favorite game. When someone posts a photo of their daughter…