Just life....

What’s influencing me this month

This is one of my regular posts to share what I’m watching, reading, listening to and following. I hope you’ll find some things that pique your interest.

Netflix – Marco Polo This series was introduced to me by my genius niece Vivian on our vacation, and we binged-watched our way through 6 episodes while in North Carolina. My best description of this is Game of Thrones meets with Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. This was released by Netflix in 2014, and was the 2nd most expensive TV series ever made, after GOT. I don’t understand why it wasn’t better promoted or a bigger hit. It was filmed in places like Khazakstan and Indonesia, and has the most gorgeous sets, costumes, battle scenes, plot, directing, action – can you tell I liked it? It’s set in the 12th century in the court of the Mongol emperor Kublai Khan, grandson of Genghis Khan (who we’ve been mis-pronouncing all these years!) Like GOT, there is lots of violence, sex and nudity, but unlike GOT, it did not seem gratuitous to me. Did I mention wonderful badass women characters? Anyway, I’d love to hear what you think.

Everyone I’ve recommended this to has binge-watched after the first episode…

You know my Sunday nights belong to PBS and Masterpiece, and we’ve had a new season of Endeavour to feast on. Yes, I could binge-watch with PBS Passport, but I love rationing it out weekly and have a Monday-morning water-cooler critique with my office-mate Sheila about it. I love that you have to pay really close attention to the plot – there’s nothing wasted. There will be 6 different story lines going, all but ONE of which will wrap up in the last 3 minutes of the episode. The last story line will carry you over to the next episode – so ingenious! It’s also that wonderful British style of directing which says far more with what’s NOT said than what is…

As part of my on-going effort to educate myself in anti-racism, I’ve been reading Waking Up White by Debbie Irving. This book could have been for and about me. The author is my age, and we grew up in a similar upper-middle class background, where unpleasant subjects were not polite to discuss, positioning yourself as the “right sort” of people was paramount, and minorities, inequality or social justice were inconvenient facts of life to be avoided at all costs. The book is broken down into short chapters with questions for discussion and/or personal exploration at the end of each – perfect for a book club or discussion group. It is also part of the curriculum of the anti-racism course I am doing with my church. I can’t recommend this book highly enough, especially if new to the subject. Do note: don’t let this be your only book about racism – it is imperative to read Black authors as a primary resource on this subject, but like White Fragility, this is a good introduction for white people just beginning this journey.

Bloggers That Mean A Lot to Me

One of the first bloggers I ever followed is Susan Street. Her style is so classic, and she’s a great “gateway drug” for people who think about fashion, beauty and lifestyle is something a little frivolous, and just not worthy of their time. I know a LOT of women like that, and used to be one myself! Susan has a really inspiring story of personal and professional success after big setbacks. I’ve learned so much from her – real “news you can use”, that I’ve incorporated into my daily life and routines, and which have really improved my life.

Susan feels like a (slightly) older, wiser, and ultra-cool sister.

Another fashion blog I love is The Vivienne Files, by Janice in Chicago. Several days a week, she puts together capsule wardrobes and outfits, often inspired by a piece of art, a scarf, or a deliciously compelling imaginary scenario. Most of the pieces (all with direct links to buy) are extremely reasonably-priced, with a couple of pricey pieces thrown in for inspiration. She also understands the needs of women who live in cold climates. Many of the items are from L.L. Bean and Land’s End (trusted stalwarts from my childhood onwards), and another great resource for those just dipping their toes in the style waters.

Danielle at Oh Happy Dani is a graphic artist with a beautiful heart from Atlanta, Georgia, who breaks anti-racism work down into steps you can get your head around. I ordered a selection of her prints that I rotate on my office door for inspiration and conversation-starters.

I love the prints, and Danielle’s Patreon page has a great weekly newsletter, too.

Accounts I’m loving on Instagram lately include: dainty_marie Dana is a petite woman model, blogger and stylist in Chicago with killer photos and attitude. salted_sunrise is artist, poet, and mother of two teenage girls Allira, who lives on the beach in Southwest Australia, with her commercial fisherman husband. She writes poignantly of the aching beauty and danger of the sea, their unpretentious ocean-front life, and shares her gorgeous paintings. Erin The Intrepid Chatelaine is an English doctor, living in France with her French partner, restoring an ancient chateau and running a vacation rental business with the renovated estate cottages. Her talents and entertaining commentary know no end, and this place is on my bucket list! http://chateaudebourneau.com/

So what about you? What is inspiring you, educating you and entertaining you? Tell us in the comments below…..


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