Hello, Mother Ocean! It’s been a bit too long…
My low-key, last-minute beach getaway
Food at The Beach
Culinary discoveries on a last-minute beach vacation
Farmer’s Market
One of my favorite things about summer is FRESH PRODUCE! And from May through September, most Saturday mornings find me at my local farmer’s market (before I hit the weedeater, that is). I grew up on a lot of land without a lot of cash, in an extended family household with decades of country wisdom, and young, strong backs to put that wisdom to use (backs like mine). That meant an enormous garden, weeded and harvested after school or after supper. Then there were hours spent on the front porch, shucking corn, hulling strawberries and stringing beans. When I would grumble, my great-aunt Virgie would cheerfully declare “this’ll taste better…
Sari skirts
How do recycled saris become fresh fashion?
What’s influencing ME right now (that’s worth sharing)
A roundup of what I'm watching, reading and learning this summer
Hello Fresh vs. Blue Apron
I’ve tried two of the more popular meal-prep subscription services, and thought I’d share my experiences, pros and cons. I started with Blue Apron in 2016, and used it for approximately a year, well into 2017. I recently tried Hello Fresh, and they’re both very comparable and work almost identically. (Disclaimer – this is not a sponsored post, and I was not paid by either of these companies. This was all purchased with my own moolah, and the opinions are entirely my own). For both services, I signed up for the three-meals for two people option, which provides 6 meals in a box. With Blue Apron, this costs $59.94 (the…
A Post Long Overdue
Thoughts on racism
Coming out of the closet…and from under the bed
I’m not one of those ladies with the huge walk-in closets. I have a small-even-by-1960’s-standards closet, with a shelf on top and 6 million shoes on the bottom. I’m not complaining about it, as there are plenty of people without a house, let alone a closet….. But it does mean that twice a year, I go through the madness of the Wardrobe Changeover. Yes, brace yourselves – this is about storing and caring for….clothes (ominous music plays). If this sounds like having your fingernails pulled out, escape now. If you see your clothes as both an expression of your personality AND an investment, read on! Shorts and tops spend the…
My Marvelous Mother-in-Law
My 88 year old mother-in-law is my fashion icon!
Who Does She Think She Is?
The bizarre times we live in, what with COVID-19 and all, have put so many of the fluffier things in our lives on hold. It’s grabbed us by the ankles, put us under house arrest, and forced us to have Serious Thoughts. Look deep inside our souls. One of my favorite bloggers today compared living with the pandemic to the Kubler-Ross’s stages of grief. I had planned to write posts about outfits, wonderful places I had been or was going to, cooking classes I’d teach, and lots of wonderful things I hope to still write about, but not this week. I’d been thinking about writing a blog for a while,…