Vacation shopping in North Carolina
Highlights of vacation shopping in Wilmington, North Carolina
Sari skirts
How do recycled saris become fresh fashion?
Coming out of the closet…and from under the bed
I’m not one of those ladies with the huge walk-in closets. I have a small-even-by-1960’s-standards closet, with a shelf on top and 6 million shoes on the bottom. I’m not complaining about it, as there are plenty of people without a house, let alone a closet….. But it does mean that twice a year, I go through the madness of the Wardrobe Changeover. Yes, brace yourselves – this is about storing and caring for….clothes (ominous music plays). If this sounds like having your fingernails pulled out, escape now. If you see your clothes as both an expression of your personality AND an investment, read on! Shorts and tops spend the…
My Marvelous Mother-in-Law
My 88 year old mother-in-law is my fashion icon!
The High Life in Deutschland -Living in Germany in the 1980’s
Ex-pat life in Germany in the 1980s
Print pants – I’m addicted…
As I look through photos taken in the last few years, I realize I wear print pants a lot more than solid colors. They seem to bring a smile to folks at work, and they offer so many styling options. Every single pair in this post was bought at Chico’s over the past 5 years (not sponsored, all with my own moolah). This is the pair that started it – from Chico’s, probably 5 years ago. They are navy twill jeans, with gold tassels printed on them. They felt SO wild and outrageous when I first got them! I always wore them with a navy top and gold tassel necklace.…
Serious Shoes
Like many women my age, I spent decades of my life wearing high heels to work in an office.