• Just life....,  Rural life

    Tell Me About….My Hometown

    Our bloggers group prompt this month is to write about our hometowns (or home towns, depending on where you live…) I’m delighted to write about my town, as I’m so proud of it! My hometown is Versailles, Kentucky. And no, not like the Palace of Versailles in France – we pronounce it VER-sales. Yup. Before you snicker, I ask you, do you call the French capital PAIR-iss, or pear-EE?!?!? Do you say “Vee-EH-nah”, or “VEEN” like the locals would? My point is – you don’t pronounce places like the people who live there do, either! The “dad joke” here is “Our town was founded in 1792, and the French have…

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