About me

Welcome – you’ve stumbled upon my blog – MK’s Adventures in Style.
About me:
I’m Mary Katherine (not Mary, not Mary Kay, not…well, any variation on a nun’s name, I’ve been called it). I’m neither Irish nor Catholic (although I have nothing against either), but in fine southern tradition, I’m called after both my great-aunt AND great-grandmother. And I often go by MK…
I’m a 62-yr-old woman with a journalism degree, who’s enjoyed a variety of careers from banker to winery tasting room manager, all of which prepared me for my current position as an events director in higher education.
I’m married to The Cutest Boy in the World, and we live in a cottage on my family’s farm where I grew up. I love dogs (although currently dogless), clothes, horses, books, flowers, farmer’s markets, the countryside, cats, dining out, travel, and TCBW (see above).
I don’t love: mean people, rhubarb, Instagram bots, doing taxes, mulching my flower beds or black coffee.
What You’ll Find Here
I enjoy writing about:
- Food – I was a professional culinary arts instructor for 5 years, and an enthusiastic eater for 61. I’m weary of the term “foodie”, but I AM one through and through. I hope to write about food I’ve eaten, food I’ve prepared and share new stuff I’m learning.
- Travel – I’ve lived in several states and countries, and travel with my husband, my girlfriends, for my day job and in my head. Come along!
- Fashion – I didn’t always love clothes, maybe because it seemed like you had to be 5’10” and 120 pounds to look good in anything. That has changed for me (although I’m still 5’2”), and I’d like everyone to enjoy expressing themselves through fashion as much as I do now.
- Life in the country – so few people live on farms or are involved in agriculture, so I hope to expand your horizons on that score. We describe life here in Bluegrass country as “black tie and horse sh*t”.
All of this is from the perspective of a woman with some “miles on the tires”, with confidence hard-won from going through stuff, who believes kindness is the most important thing (closely followed by curiosity), but who also cares a lot less about what other people think than I did in my 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. There is such a freedom that comes with that, and I’d like to encourage others to enjoy that too.
You can follow me on
Instagram @MKsAdventuresInStyle
Facebook MK’s Adventures in Style
or email me at MKsAdventuresInStyle@gmail.com