My Favorite Things

Is the song from The Sound of Music running through your head at this title, like it is mine? This was the latest topic from my bloggers’ group, and I’m finding it a delicious subject to dwell on for a while – although I now wonder who’s polishing those bright copper kettles, and if I’m going to lose one of the warm woolen mittens trying to find my car keys or reply to a text….

I’m going to indulge in talking about some of my favorite things, in no particular order – starting with swimming in the ocean! I have loved this since I was child on rare beach vacations to the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Big, hard Atlantic breakers had to be negotiated before you could get to calmer waters (which were always over my head). But I loved the feeling of being cradled in salt water – I felt a connection with Mother Ocean that filled my soul. I feel a visceral need to get at least my feet into water connected to the sea (whether it’s a bay, gulf, straights or cove) at least once a year, or my spirit begins to wither…

I’m a lover of fine dining, make no mistake, but my favorite food is definately of the “comfort food” variety. While I don’t eat it often, there is nothing more satisfying after a cold morning working outside than a grilled cheese sandwich and a bowl of chicken noodle soup. I’ve never offered to make my husband one that he’s refused, so that work out well, too! I like to make mine with several types of cheese, if possible, olive oil in the pan and butter on the bread.

My favorite dessert actually IS of the fine dining mode – creme brulee. I love the “crack” of the spoon on the hard caramel shell on the top, then the creamy vanilla custard underneath. We once went on a cruise with Glenn’s cousins Ralph & Bonnie. Ralph and I ordered creme brulee EVERY NIGHT for a solid week, and its appeal has never waned for me.

My favorite flower to grow is not the pink peonies that thrill my heart (you wait 3 years for the first bloom, but only one of 6 I bought has thrived…), but the humble zinnias, that require little in the way of care, fertilizer, support or water, but bloom their little hearts out all season (minus a little powdery mildew, if you’re lucky enough to have a wet summer). I am deeply grateful for their work ethic, filling out bouquets when everything else in the cutting garden has succumbed to drought and pests.

My favorite piece of jewelry at the moment is these earrings, which my friend Teresa gave me this week for my birthday. They are tiny nests with 2 eggs each in them. To hold one in your hand is to marvel at the craftsmanship that wove the nest and speckled the eggs. I will wear them as often as I can.

My favorite animal, at the moment, is Sneaky Graetz, our @14-yr old+ cat. Sneaky was a totally feral, once-barn cat, who lived in a hollow tree, hunting for her own food. She began hanging around our back door, knowing intuitively that The Cutest Boy in the World would start feeding her. From there, it was a remarkably short trip to becoming a house cat, now spending most of her waking hours curled up on one of our laps, chests, bellies or curled beside my pillow in bed. As I now mince up tiny pieces of raw chicken and beef to tempt her appetite, I have officially become my mother. Which is not such a bad thing, after all.

Here’s what the other bloggers had to say about THEIR favorite things:
- Suzy shares her Favourite Things, from morning coffee and cuddles with her pets to travel adventures, cozy nights in, and creative pursuits like YouTube videos. Find her blog at
- It didn’t take Marsha long to narrow down her favorites! She’s talking about anosmia as well as her favorite things. Don’t know what anosmia is? Hmmm…guess you’ll have to check out her blog to discover that as well as her favorite things! She’s not giving any hints for that, either! My blog is at
- WE HAVE A NEW BLOGGER THIS MONTH, joining our merry band! Rosie tells us about her love for walking and recalls 5 different walks from her recent holiday in Cornwall.
- What’s something that’s a favourite of yours? In this post Deb updates an earlier post summarising my favourite decades and how the next one is going so far.
- Jill gives us a bit of an eclectic mix of her favourite things from gardens and old roses, books of many genres and a few fashion bits and friendships.
- Gail from Is This Mutton has a passion for lux stationery and fountain pens. Strange, considering she can’t read her own writing. Find out more:
- Leslie says that LIFE is full of ups and downs, joys and sorrows and unexpected hiccups that catch us off-guard. But through it all, some things remain consistent. My favorite things.
All right then, you know the drill – what do you think of mine, and let me hear about YOUR favorite things!
Rosie Amber
The ocean is great for vitamin sea therapy, a walk along a beach is very satisfying, while I’m not a great swimmer, so it is just a paddle for me.
Suzy Turner
I thnk it’s so wonderful that you have such a strong connection to the ocean. I love being close to the sea and being at the beach in winter when it’s cold but I’m not one for swimming in it, sadly. I prefer to have my feet in the ground. I’d be quite happy to squish around in the mud instead lol!!
Your grilled cheese sandwiches sound divine…I’d just have to switch the cheese to something vegan instead lol!!
Fabulous post!
Suzy xx
Sorry for the delayed reply, Suzy. I’m now trying to distract myself from election results…The think the sea definately feeds our souls even if you’re not immersed in it! I do love reading about all our fellow bloggers’ lives.
Leslie Susan Clingan
Cutest kitty!! Gosh, you would never know he was once feral. As I type this, we are trying to round up some pitiful strays we have been feeding. Going to take them to be neutered. In fact, PC has left with one of the kitties, who has just one eye, to drop it off at Animal Services. He has been gone for sometime, hope there wasn’t an issue. We have a little pregnant-looking very young mama kitty hanging out here, too. She is the next one we hope to catch. Bless their hearts. Thank you for giving your baby such a good life.
Love grilled cheese over here. PC’s family used mayo instead of butter?? I made canned tomato soup and added a little milk and some green chilies and it was delicious with a grilled cheese on the side. We are not big on fine dining, as you can tell!! But I did recognize your creme brulee. Have never tried it though.
Sorry for the delayed reply – catching up while trying to distract myself from election results! What a good cat rescue person you are – good for you! Never heard of mayo on a grilled cheese, although sometimes I use olive oil. It’s all about browning the bread and melting the cheese, right?
Debbie Harris
Hi MK, this was a fun post and I can see why the ocean is a favoutite place for you. The colourful zinnias are very pretty and yes to a scheese toastie but only if the cheese is oozing out and completely melted! Another lovely Tell Us About post – aren’t these fun??
Jill James
Apologies for running late with my comment.
I agree with you on the beach even though I am not much of a swimmer.
Your toasted cheese sandwich does look delicious and I am with you on the joy of creme brulee.
Glad you enjoyed the topic.
Marsha Banks
Oh, the Outer Banks…le sigh! We went there when the kids were little, stayed in a beach house right on the ocean, and I have longed to go back ever since. For many years, we always said we’d retire to a house on the ocean. Little did I know a teacher’s pension (even with an engineer’s pension) would not pay for a house on the ocean. I’m with you about needing to put my feet in the water, but it’s been several years for me.
I love all of your favorites, MK! Zinnias! Yes, yes, yes! I’m planting some in the house this winter, hoping to get a head start on planting them in the ground on the “hump” out back. And, a grilled cheese with creme brulee…how does that sound? On my recent trip to Ireland/Scotland, I had it twice. But, it wasn’t the thick, custardy kind I really like. There’s just something about that initial crack of the sugar, isn’t there?
This was a fun prompt…well, they’ve all been great fun…and it is so good to get to know people better!
I’ve been awful at responding to comments, Marsha – and I hate it when bloggers do that – why bother to take comments if you don’t even acknowledge them? I’m just overscheduled and constantly behind with my personal business. The first frost zapped my zinnias completely, but I’m growing more next year too.
jodie filogomo
Oh, I don’t know how I missed this. I still never get your emails, but Rob usually tells me when he does. Unless his started disappearing too.
It’s amazing how animals can become part of our pack. They really add so much to our lives.
And I love how you appreciate the intricacies of handmade objects.
I used to make creme brulee a bunch…(long story) and we even have the torch to prove it.
Well, I missed this comment so we’re even – haha! Do you suppose our emails cancel each other out in the ether?!?! Glad we can text and comment on social…